Wil Hodgson
Live on Bonfire Night
Here's the latest explosive DVD from Wil Hodgson.
Light the blue touch paper, stand well back and keep well away from children and pets.
Now find yourself a safe vantage and prepare yourself for a spectacle as Wil shares stories from his childhood covering his love of comics and the 1960s TV Batman. He gives us a cautionary tale about the perils of drinking in a small town and revisits some of his scariest childhood moments courtesy of that strangest of British institutions - the Public Information Film.
On the extras side of things, this disc also contains a full length video recording of episode 10 of Wil and Mark Fortunes pop culture podcast We Hope Its Chips. Weve also enabled you to chart Wil's beard growth by studying clips from some of his other DVD recordings.

Further Info
main show
running time - 73 mins
filesize - 1.5gb
we hope it's chips
running time - 85 mins
filesize - 1.7gb Download Info