Bec Hill
Bec in 1 Hour
Go Faster Stripe and Bec Hill present: Bec in 1 Hour. Everything you need to get up-to-speed with what this 'pint-sized Australian dynamo'* is capable of. Bec has scoured her back catalogue (backalogue) for all her favourite bits of material for your viewing pleasure.
Does the show go according to plan? No. Did she forget some vital props for this recording? Sure. Does this DVD accidentally capture the spontaneity and chaos of live comedy and come out all the better for it? Absolutely.
But wait! There's more! If 1 hour isn't enough, then check out the special extras:
Flipchart Videos
The Sundance UK Grand Jury Prize winning short film, 'Russian Roulette'
*4 stars, The List

Further Info
main show - 56 mins
extras - 26 mins
DVD5 - 16:9
region 0 - Pal
Stereo - In Colour
main show
running time - 56min
filesize - 1.1gb
magic bit
running time - 1min
filesize - 27mb Download Info